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Camping with Care: Building Safe Campfires for Kids

One of the things that is important to any campout is a campfire, especially when you are learning as a kid. Lucky for you there are many different types of campfires that you can build! Through all of my experiences I can say that I have built every single type of campfire on this list, but it is certainly not all of the campfires possible. Today we have narrowed it down to five different ways to make a successful & safe campfire. So whether you are trying to make a campfire right now or ar

Hitting the Trails: How to Start Hiking for Families

Today we will walk you through everything that you need to know in order to start hiking with no previous experience. Hiking is one of the best things you can do for free to get out of your house, get active, and get some alone time in the process. You certainly shouldn’t be worried about others when starting your journey, especially since you won’t see many other people out on the trail depending on where you hike. Sit back and relax as we'll explain how to get started on your first hiking jour

Nature Bound: Essential Items for Camping with Kids

With camping there are so many things that you can bring, but today we are highlighting the MUST HAVES for camping with kids. Besides the typical things to bring on a camping trip, above all else BRING WATER. If you feel like we have mentioned this with every article then you would be right, but that does not make it any less important. The importance of water isn’t going away anytime soon, so make sure to get it into your head and always drink water. In fact, bring buckets and jugs of wate
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